Prince2 Exam Pass RatesWe have consistently high PRINCE2 exam pass rates. We introduced PRINCE2 to Canada in 2007 and have maintained a high exam pass rate ever since. When you sign up you get a course that is more likely to produce the exam result you want. We do this with a combination of excellent trainers, thorough preparation and an excellent learning experience.

We believe in transparency. These are our Pass Rates. These are the official statistics verified by PeopleCert International and APMG International.

Always ask your (ATO) Authorized Training Organization to provide this information.

APMG Courses:

Managing Benefits Foundation
Average Score: 69%  - Successful Pass Rate: 99%
Managing Benefits Practitioner
Average Score: 59%  - Successful Pass Rate: 79%

BRMP (Legacy version)
Average Score: 66%  - Successful Pass Rate: 93%
BRMP (2021 version)
Average Score: 70%  - Successful Pass Rate: 89%

Facilitation Foundation
Average Score: 76%  - Successful Pass Rate: 92%

PeopleCert Courses:

Management of Portfolios Foundation
Average Score: 75%  - Successful Pass Rate: 99%
Management of Portfolios Practitioner
Average Score: 70%  - Successful Pass Rate: 98%

PRINCE2 6th Edition Foundation
Average Score: 70%  - Successful Pass Rate: 92%
PRINCE2 6th Edition Practitioner
Average Score: 64%  - Successful Pass Rate: 81%

PRINCE2 7th Edition Foundation 
Average Score: xx%  - Successful Pass Rate: xx% 
PRINCE2 7th Edition Practitioner 
Average Score: xx%  - Successful Pass Rate: xx%

PRINCE2 Agile Foundation
Average Score: 76%  - Successful Pass Rate: 100%
PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner
Average Score: 69%  - Successful Pass Rate: 82%

MSP 4th Edition Foundation (French)
Average Score: 68%  - Successful Pass Rate: 97%
MSP 4th Edition Practitioner (French)
Average Score: 57%  - Successful Pass Rate: 79%

MSP 5th Edition Foundation
Average Score: 70%  - Successful Pass Rate: 84%
MSP 5th Edition Practitioner
Average Score: 65%  - Successful Pass Rate: 73%

Average Score: 85%  - Successful Pass Rate: 100%

P3GP Courses: 

Project, Programme, Portfolio Governance
Average Score: 71%  - Successful Pass Rate: 94%

Our PRINCE2 Training

We are Canada's PRINCE2 experts.  We're proud of what we do.  Here's what you get when you take of our PRINCE2 training:

  • Excellent, independent feedback
  • Approved by all Canada's early adopters of PRINCE2 including the award-winning Manitoba eHealth, Environment Canada and RCMP
  • Canadian trainers providing training in French or English
  • PRINCE2 manual shipped immediately when you sign up for the course
  • Largest provider of PRINCE2 training in Canada today